Youth in Action Seminar in Bonn, Germany. 150 available places for Youth workers. Costs are 100% covered
The conference Bridges for Trainers 2014 offers the platform to debate trends and core issues related to training in the youth field – both national and international.
Trainers and training course organisers with existing training strategy for their trainers at national or international level are invited to contribute to and discuss these trends and issues and their impact on the work of both - trainers and providers of train the trainers offers.
Bridges for Trainers 2014 is organised and financed by the Erasmus+ Youth in Action NAs of Austria, Germany, Ireland, Poland, UK and the SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre and will be moderated by Darko Markovic (RS) and Jonathan Bowyer (UK).
Bridges for Trainers 2014 will take place from 08 - 10 December 2014 in Bonn/Germany and will gather 150 participants with the following profiles:
- Trainers experienced in youth worker and youth leader training
(national and international level – attention: no trainers training only young people!),
- Training course organisers with existing training strategy for their trainers (organisations/institutions), and
- Erasmus+ Youth in Action/SALTO RC staff cooperating with trainers and trainer pools.
(national and international level – attention: no trainers training only young people!),
- Training course organisers with existing training strategy for their trainers (organisations/institutions), and
- Erasmus+ Youth in Action/SALTO RC staff cooperating with trainers and trainer pools.
The trends and issues discussed at Bridges for Trainers 2014 will focus on the “Set of competences for trainers working at international level” developed in 2013 under the European Training Strategy (ETS) of the Youth in Action Programme:
Criteria and indicator were added in 2014 to the “ETS Set of competences for trainers working at international level” and a group of experts is developing a guide to apply the set of competences for trainers to be able to use it individually as trainer, for teams of trainers and for training providers for assessment processes, recruitment, individual and team development, etc.
Besides the focus on “Set of competences for trainers working at international level”, the conference will also offer space to reflect in general on changes & impact of the past 2-3 years towards competence frameworks for assessment, recruiting, designing training courses and other competence development measures for youth workers and their trainers.
And Bridges for Trainers should also serve as a platform to explore next steps to be undertaken in this context and to reflect on what role Erasmus+ Youth in Action could play in this.
Bridges for Trainers is a new bi-annual conference concept bringing together experienced trainers, train the trainers training providers and Erasmus+ Youth in Action NA/SALTO RC staff working with trainers / trainer pools to reflect on trends and core issues in the youth field and effects on the work of trainers.
Bridges for Trainers should take place again in autumn/winter 2016, 2018 and 2020 and is an activity linked to the context of the European Training Strategy of Erasmus+ Youth in Action.
More information on additional planned offers for trainers of youth workers and -leaders can be found at , presenting the long term cooperation project of 8 NAs and with the SALTO T&C RC.
Bridges for Trainers should take place again in autumn/winter 2016, 2018 and 2020 and is an activity linked to the context of the European Training Strategy of Erasmus+ Youth in Action.
More information on additional planned offers for trainers of youth workers and -leaders can be found at , presenting the long term cooperation project of 8 NAs and with the SALTO T&C RC.
This Seminar / Conference is
for ca. 150 participants

and recommended for
Trainers, training course organisers with existing training strategy for their trainers, NA and SALTO staff working with trainers/trainer pools
Working language(s):
SALTO Training and Cooperation RC (SALTO)
- NAs of Austria, Germany, Ireland, Poland and UK (National Agency)
Contact for questions:
Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. NB! Learn about possible participation fee and other relevant rules.
This project is financed by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs or SALTO involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country.
Please contact your NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.
If you come from one of the countries covered by the Neigboring Partner Countries of Erasmus+ Youth in Action strand, please contact your regional SALTO RC:
SALTO EuroMed ->
SALTO Eastern Europe Caucasus ->
SALTO South East Europe ->
SALTO EuroMed ->
SALTO Eastern Europe Caucasus ->
SALTO South East Europe ->
Category: Erasmus