EVS in Athens, Greece. 1 year working at NGO. Great chance to travel and learn Greek. APPLY

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  • Contact person: Ms Yota Arvaniti
  • Coordinating organisation: SCI Hellas
  • Host: the Greek Forum for Refugees: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Greek-Forum-of-Refugees/133502636684551
  • Location: Athens, Greece
  • Deadline: 02/09/2014
  • Start: 01/05/2015
  • End: 30/04/2016

  • Greek Forum of Refugees (GFR) is a network of refugees, asylum seekers, their legal entities and Greek citizens. It operates informally since the spring of 2010, and from 2012 as legal entity recognized by the Greek law. It is governed by a nine members Board, which has as members people coming from Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq (Kurdistan), Somalia, Iran, Kenya and Greece.
    GFR's objective is to set up a network of persons both physical and legal on national level, who develop supportive activities for people protected by the Geneva Convention (refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons).
    The Greek Forum of Refugees aims to be a network of associations of refugees and asylum seekers who live in Greece and do whatever is possible to improve the living conditions of their target group. It develops raise awareness campaigns at national and European level participating in European networks and forums, creating printed and electronic information means. An important element of this effort is to develop collaboration with people outside the target group who in their own way will be able to promote the respect for Human Rights, eradicate xenophobia and promote the equal participation of all the inhabitants. All these actions are mainly based on voluntary participation and selfless.
    Link to the database: http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/hei_form_en.cfm?EID=34000399103


Volunteers will collaborate with members, volunteers and employees of the GFR for the implementation of the action plan of the organization and more specifically would split their time on the following activities: • Updating the website and social media organization: volunteers will be engaged on updating the internet media of GFR (webpage, facebook, twitter and youtube accounts and pages). (30% of total daily working time). • Create and send 15day electronic newsletter in which will be published news on the activities of GFR and its members as well as news on the policy for asylum seekers and refugees in Greece and the EU (10% of total daily working time) • Liaison with other legal entities to explore the possibility of cooperation (10% of total daily working time) • Open and awareness-raising events with emphasis on youth and women. (20% of total working time) • Create information center (20% of total daily time employment) • Promote the idea of international volunteering, presenting the program "Youth in Action" to young members and supporters of GFR giving priority to women as well as design and implement his/her personal (10% of total working time)


The only requisites for volunteers are basic knowledge of English (enough to communicate with no big problems) and computer (internet, mail, word) with some knowledge about social media, writing and editing. Knowledge of arabic or farsi is welcome but not necessary. Ability to live in multicultural environment and interest in the topic of refugees and migrants are very important. The main selection criteria will be the motivation to learn and participate. According to our experience, the willingness and concrete motivation to learn, together with a certain degree of flexibility, are the perfect ingredients of a good EVS project. The skills needed to develop the tasks will be learnt during the EVS itself.


Interested young people should send their CV and questionnaire which you can find attached to evs@sci.gr. The selection process will be carried out by the EVS coordinator and members of the Greek Forum of Refugees who will work side by side with the volunteers. Before the final selection, candidates may be asked to have a skype chat for further information.
