Call for Erasmus+ training course in Lede, Belgium. Costs are covered. 1 week for traveling and learning
The fifth successive European Fellowship will bring together youth workers and youth leaders from Europe who are interested in peace education and in learning and exploring self-development, in order to use new skills within their own youth work.
The European Fellowship aims to train young leaders, trainers and youth workers to learn skills which they can multiply in their own communities and use within their youth work as well as offering a space to meet with other youth workers who are passionate about peace, to share good practices.
The fellowship will use meditation, workshops, yoga and other group activities for participants to explore the concept of self-development as a foundation of peace.
- To promote tools of non-violent communication and peace-building that can be applied to all cultures, religions and professions.
- To explore meditation as a practice which can develop tools to deal with challenges within peace-building and youth work.
- To explore the idea that self-development is a core foundation of world change and helping others.
- To understand that cultivating inner qualities can be the foundation of creating compassion in society which leads to more benevolence and understanding within conflict situations.
- To learn practical methods of stress management and ways to increase emotional intelligence.
- To practice mindfulness during yoga and other group activities.
- To build on participants’ progress after having participated in the online self-development programme.
- To empower youth workers and to offer the space for them to create ideas to implement activities and events in their own communities.
1. Register to the website and fill in the application form via the link (before the deadline)
2. Complete at least 21 days of the free online self-development programme found on the website, to learn the basics of meditation to prepare for the event
(It is beneficial to start the SDP as soon as possible)
This Training Course is
for 30 - 40 participants
from NEIGHBOURING PARTNER COUNTRIES [Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Russian Federation, Serbia, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine] , YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAMME COUNTRIES [Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom]
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Project managers
Working language(s):
Peace Revolution (NGO/Others)
Contact for questions:
Manuela Puscas
Phone: -
-Free food
-Free accommodation
-Free retreat fee
-50% of flight costs covered
Apply here
The European Fellowship aims to train young leaders, trainers and youth workers to learn skills which they can multiply in their own communities and use within their youth work as well as offering a space to meet with other youth workers who are passionate about peace, to share good practices.
The fellowship will use meditation, workshops, yoga and other group activities for participants to explore the concept of self-development as a foundation of peace.
- To promote tools of non-violent communication and peace-building that can be applied to all cultures, religions and professions.
- To explore meditation as a practice which can develop tools to deal with challenges within peace-building and youth work.
- To explore the idea that self-development is a core foundation of world change and helping others.
- To understand that cultivating inner qualities can be the foundation of creating compassion in society which leads to more benevolence and understanding within conflict situations.
- To learn practical methods of stress management and ways to increase emotional intelligence.
- To practice mindfulness during yoga and other group activities.
- To build on participants’ progress after having participated in the online self-development programme.
- To empower youth workers and to offer the space for them to create ideas to implement activities and events in their own communities.
1. Register to the website and fill in the application form via the link (before the deadline)
2. Complete at least 21 days of the free online self-development programme found on the website, to learn the basics of meditation to prepare for the event
(It is beneficial to start the SDP as soon as possible)
This Training Course is
for 30 - 40 participants
from NEIGHBOURING PARTNER COUNTRIES [Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Russian Federation, Serbia, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine] , YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAMME COUNTRIES [Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom]
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Project managers
Working language(s):
Peace Revolution (NGO/Others)
Contact for questions:
Manuela Puscas
Phone: -
-Free food
-Free accommodation
-Free retreat fee
-50% of flight costs covered
Apply here
Category: Erasmus, Interships, Job, Scholarships