Open call: International Summer School in Torino, Italy: 7-18 Sept. 2015: APPLY

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The School is designed to offer two weeks “full immersion” in user charges regulation of local public services (e.g. waste, water, public transport, district heating, sport facilities) and is mainly addressed to undergraduate students at their last year, graduate students and officials from the Public Administration (municipalities, counties, regional bodies) and regulatory agencies.

The course lasts two weeks and is articulated in three parts:
- theoretical module
- industry analysis
- case studies (with a virtual regulatory final report prepared by attendants)

For further information, please have a look to the programme

Fees and accommodation in Turin
Low rates and free accommodation.
Registration fees for admitted attendants are as follows:

ProfileFeeWhat you getCondition
registration to the ISS 2015
and free accommodation
payment receipt returned by the 26th of June 2015. In case of delay, the School reserves the right to assign the place to another candidate in the reserve list.
registration to the ISS 2015
and free accommodation
attendants from new (post 2004) EU Member States and non OECD countries (*) 
(*) please check the OECD countries list and the EU Member States list (clicking on a Country, Year of EU entry is specified) 
Applications and Deadlines
The application form will be online from the 3rd of February 2015.
The deadline for the submission of the application form is the 10th of June 2015.
Admitted attendants will be contacted directly by email by the the 17th of June 2015.

Cancellation policy for admitted students

- Profile A: in case of withdrawal the fee will not be refunded
- Profile B: considering that the participation is free, a deposit is due (150 Euro with payment receipt returned by the 24th of June 2015); the deposit will be totally refunded to the attendant at the end of the Summer School (there is no deposit refund in case of cancellation)

Selection criteria applied
Curricula are evaluated on the basis of three main criteria:
1) relevance of applicant's studies and professional experience / current job position to the topics of the Summer School programme
2) balanced geographical distribution of selected participants (OECD / non-OECD members; distribution per continent; inclusion of applicants from Countries non represented in the previous editions)
3) balanced distribution of educational background (e.g. economics; environmental engineering; law; public administration; ...)

Moreover, in the case of curricula with similar score, also some attention is given to the selection of profiles with expertise in different sectors relevant to the domain of regulation of LPS (e.g. water cycle, waste, energy, ...).

Due to a limited number of available places, not all applicants on the ISS reserve list will be included in the class of 2015. However, those on the reserve list will benefit from a 25% off discount for attending one of the courses in the Executive Education Programme.The 2015 catalogue of courses is available at

Stay tuned!

Check the updates available on this website or send an email to iss@turinschool.euwith the subject [issnews] in order to receive via e-mail automatic updates about the School (detailed program, lecturers, information for attendants, etc.) 

For any further information, please contact the School Secretariat:

Elisa Vanin, Fulvia Nada
phone: +39 011 5714750
