Conference in Washington, USA: LAW, CULTURE, AND THE HUMANITIES: All costs covered: Apply
Eighteenth Annual Conference
March 6-7, 2015, Georgetown University Law Centre
Washington, D.C.
We would like to thank our gracious hosts at the University of Virginia School of Law for a fabulous conference in 2014! The program from that conference, as well as those from all our past meetings, are available here.
We are pleased to announce that the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities will be held at the Georgetown University Law Centre, March 6-7, 2015. We invite your participation. Please note, panel and paper proposals are due Wednesday, October 15th, 2014
The Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities is an organization of scholars engaged in interdisciplinary, humanistically-oriented legal scholarship. The Association brings together a wide range of people engaged in scholarship on legal history, legal theory and jurisprudence, law and cultural studies, law and anthropology, law and literature, law and the performing arts, and legal hermeneutics. We want to encourage dialogue across and among these fields about issues of interpretation, identity, and values, about authority, obligation, and justice, and about law's role as a constituent part of cultures and communities.
This year, the Association will not have a specific conference theme in order to encourage the broadest range of participation possible. The Program Committee believes that the diversity of the Association's members is its strength and that the themes that emerge from the conference should arise organically from the various interests of the members, without an overarching subject-matter directive. Accordingly, we encourage proposals of panels or papers around any of the broad themes that engage with law, culture, and the humanities.
Examples of types of sessions the conference has featured in the past include:History, Memory and Law; Reading Race; Law and Literature; Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism; Speech, Silence, and the Language of Law; Judgment, Justice, and Law; Beyond Identity; The Idea of Practice in Legal Thought; Metaphor and Meaning; Representing Legality in Film and Mass Media; Anarchy, Liberty and Law; What is Excellence in Interpretation?; Ethics, Religion, and Law; Moral Obligation and Legal Life; The Post-Colonial in Literary and Legal Study; Processes and Possibilities in Interdisciplinary Law Teaching.
However, these should be viewed as examples only. Any proposals that interrogate law as a cultural form or view law through the lens of the humanities are welcomed. We urge those interested in attending to consider submitting complete panels, and we hope to encourage a variety of formats, including roundtables, sessions at which everyone reads the papers in advance, sessions in which commentators respond to a single paper, and so on. We also invite proposals for sessions in which the focus is on pedagogy or methodology, for author-meets-readers sessions organized around important books in the field, or for sessions in which participants focus on performance (theatrical, filmic, musical, poetic).
How to register: ASLCH uses a two part registration system. First you register your paper or panel and pay a $35 membership fee. This should be done by October 15th, 2014, assuming your paper or panel is accepted, you go back to the same website (an email will be sent on that day to remind you) and pay the conference fee. All panelists will be notified about their acceptance before the new year.
Here is the link to register:
A note on registration costs: You will probably notice in the second round of registering that the costs of registration has gone slightly up. We haven't raised our prices in many years and felt that due to various economic pressures we had to raise them just a bit. We checked against other similar and related conferences and given that the 35$ you initially pay is subtracted from your later registration fees and that, in addition, you get the Law, Culture and the Humanities journal, we are still a bargain. If you have any questions about the rise in costs, please let me know
Here are the new prices and the amount they've gone up (if at all) from previous years:
Graduate students-$35 (no change)
under 75K-$100 (+$15 from previous charges)
75K-100K-$150 (+$25 from previous charges)
100K-125K-$200 (no change)
125K and above-$250 (+$25 from previous charges)
Graduate Student Workshop The Annual Law Culture and Humanities conference is pleased to offer a graduate student workshop which will be held on Thursday, March 5th, 2015 (the day before the conference begins). The workshop is designed for graduate students who are undertaking research that cuts across law, cultural studies, literature, philosophy, legal studies, anthropology, political science, and economics. The workshop is designed to provide mentoring, practical advice on publishing and applying for work, as well as have some fun. Applications to the workshop should include a statement of research, a current curriculum vitae, and a short statement of the paper that each student will be presenting at the conference. There is limited space for the workshop, and so we cannot admit all (although we will do our best!). Please forward your application to George Pavlich at by November 15, 2014.
Category: Projects