Worldiwde call for scholarship for studying in Canada. Grant $24,000/year. Use this chance!

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Applications are invited for undergraduate scholarships available for international students to study at Quest University in Canada. There are two types of scholarships: David W. Strangway Award for Excellence (full tuition) and Quest University Canada Scholarships ($2,000 to $24,000/year). Applicants will be awarded on the basis of academic record. Scholarships are available for four years. The application deadline is 1stSeptember 2014.
Study Subject(s): Scholarships are available for studying courses offered by the university.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate degree program.
Scholarship Provider: Quest University, Canada
Scholarship can be taken at: Canada
Eligibility: David W. Strangway Award for Excellence:
The recipients of this award will have achieved very high levels of academic excellence combined with an outstanding record of leadership and service. Students with a high school average above 90% (3.75 US or equivalent) will be considered for these awards.
Quest University Canada Scholarships:
The Quest program is rigorous, and an important criterion for a scholarship award is the applicant’s academic record. This is not evaluated by strict numerical limits, however; we are more impressed by a student who has done well in the most challenging courses available rather than one who achieved the highest grades by choosing an easier route to graduation.
We are also interested in extracurricular activities – not the number of different clubs you joined, but the passion with which you pursued your non-academic interests and the impact you made on your compatriots and your community. Some ways that students have demonstrated this is through sports, community service, leadership, theatre, clubs, volunteering, other talents, and so on. Quest University Canada Scholarships are awarded to applicants who have demonstrated an eagerness to learn, an ability to lead, a willingness to contribute, and a passion for excellence.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Students of any country can apply for these undergraduate scholarships.
Scholarship Description: Scholarships recognize the achievement and contributions students have made to their school and local community, contributions we expect they will continue to make at Quest. All students, regardless of their country of origin, are eligible to apply for scholarships and/or financial aid. Students can apply for both the scholarships: David W. Strangway Award for Excellence (full tuition) and Quest University Canada Scholarships ($2,000 to $24,000/year).
Number of award(s): Not Known
Duration of award(s): Scholarships are available for four years.

What does it cover? -David W. Strangway Award for Excellence (full tuition)
-Quest University Canada Scholarships ($2,000 to $24,000/year)
Selection criteria: Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: Students wishing to apply for scholarships must complete the Scholarship Application Form and submit a resumé, along with two recommendation letters addressing the criteria noted below. Your resumé should clearly outline your experiences and achievements. This may include employment, volunteer work, gap year projects, awards, hobbies, skills and so on. Students applying for the David Strangway Award for Excellence must also submit a maximum 300-word personal introduction to the Faculty Selection Committee.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 1st September 2014.
