EVS in Austria. 5 months work in NGO. Project covers Travel costs, pocket money, food, accodomation
- Contact person: Clemens Rüdisser
- Coordinating organisation: aha Tipps Infos für junge Leute 2013AT25
- Host: Offene Jugendarbeit Lauterach: http://www.lauterach.at
- Location: Lauterach, Austria
- Deadline: 01/09/2014
- Start: 02/02/2015
- End: 31/07/2015
Marktgemeinde Lauterach is the local government of the village of Lauterach.
Offene Jugendarbeit Lauterach (Open Youth Work Lauterach) is a department of the local government that works with the interests and issues of young people between 12 and 19 years. The association is non-commercial and politically unaffiliated. Aim of the association is the advancement of youth work as an additional contribution to youth education provided by schools and other youth-orientated associations. We provide opportunities and activities for young people to discover their own personal aims and limits especially regarding creativity and developing their own personality. Our work should support young people in the phase of adolescence and with the complex tasks of growing up.
To fulfill these tasks our association provides a youth centre where young people have the opportunity to socialise, do creative work or participate in all kind of workshops. We also set our focus on young people with migrant origin, young people with disabilities or educational shortcomings and young people facing poverty. We also provide gender specific youth work and offer a special programme for girls and boys.
Altogether we work with an interprofessional team of five people of different backgrounds (youth workers, social workers etc.), trainees and also a team of young people who organise and help to organise parties and work in different projects.
We work in close cooperation with other organisations in the youth and social field on a local and regional level.
The volunteer will work five days a week, 34 hours a week including German course. S/he will have two days holidays per month. In our organisations the volunteer will be seen as a temporary team member who supports us in our work. S/He will assist us in our work in the youth centre and will also participate in our mobile youth work programme (a form of streetwork). Another part of the job are different projects with focus on creativity, sports, education and cultural topics. The volunteer will be able to make her/his own projects, bringing in her/his very own talents. It is also possible for the volunteer to attend trainings and workshops regarding youth work, where s/he can refine her/his skills in social work. * Working in a youth cafe: working behind the bar * Supervising the youngsters * playing games with the youngsters * communicating and giving advice * Mobile (street work): walking around the village meeting young people and talking to them and informing them about the workshops and the special activities of the youth centre * Special workshops : graffiti jam, Kino night, girls day, sport activities, outdoor activities, etc. The different kind of projects depend on the youngsters interests and the season. Doing an EVS project with our institution the volunteer will learn a lot about youth work and will get a practical insight into the various fields of youth work: leisure time activities, intercultural dialogue, employment, education + training in youth work. In the daily contact with the young people s/he will increase her/his social competences in establishing contacts and building relationships. Helping with projects or doing her/his own projects the volunteer will learn project management “by doing” and practice teamwork. S/he will get an insight into various youth cultures and will meet (young) people of different cultural origin.Criteria
Geographical and economical backgrounds of the volunteers are not important at all. We focus much more on the motivation of the applicants. Not only for the team but also for the young people visiting the centre it is interesting to have volunteers with different cultural backgrounds. The volunteer should show and explain them their culture, traditions, values, food, etc. That makes it exciting for everyone and motivates local youth to also do EVS or something similar abroad. Since our opening hours are mainly in the afternoons, evenings and on weekends he/she should be prepared to work late hours and work on weekends as well. Of course, he/she will not work every weekend and will have two consecutive days off during the week if working on the weekend.Procedure
We only consider the application who as been send directly to this E-Mail address - clemens.ruedisser@aha.or.at - Please send your CV and the motivation letter who has been written for that project to this E-Mail address. Dont forget to write also the project number in this mail. look forward for some nice and motivated applications. ;-)Category: EVS