Conference in Wroclaw, Poland Traditional Medical Systems. get new skills and travel for free. apply

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Organized by: Museum of Pharmacy of the Wroclaw Medical University and Institute of Humanistic Sciences at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Wroclaw Medical University
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 1st of October 2014
During the conference we would like to address the following issues:
  •  African and Asian concepts of health and illness, 
  • convictions and stereotypes concerning the sick,
  • beliefs connected with health and well-being (among others: amulets, divinations, sorcery),
  • trade in natural ingredients for preparation of traditional medicaments (including body parts of endangered species),
  • traditional ways of treating animal diseases ­– ethnoveterinary medicine,
  • natural therapies and biomedicine, including:
  • comparison of treatments administered by healers and medical doctors,
  • therapeutic pluralism; perspectives for cooperation between healers and medical doctors,
  • alleged illegal (new) drug tests performed in African and Asian countries; biopiracy,
  • transformations of traditional medicine resulting from globalization,
  • traditional medicine and new health hazards (e.g. HIV, ebola, SARS, H5N1),
  • African and Asian plants as a source of new drugs,
  • African and Asian culture-bound syndromes (e.g. intwaso, brain fog, koro); transcultural psychiatry.

We plan to publish conference proceedings as a second volume in our series on non-European medical systems started by “Studies in Medical Culture of Islam”. Participants should prepare articles for publication (maximum 20 pages) and papers to present during 20-minute presentation.

Conference fee is 75 €/300 pln (with 50% reduction for students of all levels) and will help to cover organizational and publishing expenses. We ask participants to make arrangements for accommodation in Wroclaw on their own – of course we will be happy to help you choose the right hotel.
We will send detailed information to all the participants after the deadline for sending abstracts/proposals. Please, send your paper’s title, a short abstract and your contact and affiliation details to or via traditional mail to: Museum of Pharmacy in Wroclaw, ul. Kurzy Targ 4, 50-103 Wrocław with an annotation “African/Asian Medicine”.
